Getting Started

Inspect is an automated vulnerability scanner for your EOSIO smart contracts. Inspect makes finding vulnerabilities in your EOSIO smart contracts easy to do within your development workflow. Giving you peace of mind before you deploy on-chain.

Quick Start#


Inspect is currently accessible through a CLI. This CLI is a Node.js library, so make sure Node.js/NPM is installed.

npm i -g @klevoya/inspect

Log in to your existing Klevoya account or sign up by running the login command and following the instructions:

inspect login

Scan smart contracts for vulnerabilities#

Once logged in to the CLI, you can analyse your compiled .wasm smart contracts by running the inspect check command. This uploads the compiled smart contract to our server and queues an analysis.

inspect check /path/to/contract.wasm

Checking reports#

The analysis of large contracts can take several minutes. Each report can be reviewed individually at any time by running the inspect reports command.

inspect reports # lists all reports
inspect reports 123 # lists the report with the specified report id

The result will be a list of potential traces that have been found for common EOSIO vulnerabilities.