
Folder Structure#

After running the hydra init command the following files and directories are created:

Test File#

The init command creates separate tests/<contract>.test.js files for each selected contract. Each test file already contains contract-specific boilerplate to quickly get started writing tests.

Each test file first imports the hydra library and loads the hydra.yml config file.

const { loadConfig, Blockchain } = require("hydra");
const config = loadConfig("hydra.yml");

The test specification starts by creating a new Blockchain object and creates a new Account with the same name as the contract.

Assertion Libraries

This document uses jest as the assertion library. Any other testing framework can be used, but they might slightly differ in their syntax.

describe("eosio.token", () => {
let blockchain = new Blockchain(config);
let tester = blockchain.createAccount(`eosio.token`);
// ...

Note that there is no need to manage any keys for the accounts, although custom permissions can be configured to test the contract under the same permissions as in a production environment.

Once before any test is run, the created account's code is set to the contract template. It must have the same key as specified in the loaded config file. The boilerplate also updates the account's active permission to include the eosio.code permission - a requirement if the contract code sends actions or transactions itself.

beforeAll(async () => {
tester.updateAuth(`active`, `owner`, {
accounts: [
permission: {
actor: tester.accountName,
permission: `eosio.code`
weight: 1

Multiple test tasks can be defined in a single test file and it is a good idea to clear the contract's table data before each task. Then tests can be written by sending transactions and checking the contract tables.

beforeEach(async () => {
it("can send the create + issue action", async () => {
await tester.contract.create({
issuer: tester.accountName,
maximum_supply: "10000000000.0000 EOS"
await tester.contract.issue({
to: tester.accountName,
quantity: "42.0000 EOS",
memo: "i ❤️ hydra"
const scope = tester.accountName;
[scope]: [
balance: "42.0000 EOS"

Sending transactions from the Account object returns a transaction trace that can be used to reason about.

it("prints the correct thing fast", async () => {
const txTrace = await tester.contract.hello();
// get all print output from initial 'hello' action + inline actions
const consoleOutput = txTrace.action_traces.map(t => t.console).join(``)
expect(consoleOutput).toBe("this was printed from the contract");
// the transaction execution time, note that this is subjective to the Hydra node and will differ from a production environment